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Student Housing

University of Virginia McCormick Road Dorms


Charlottesville, VA


General Contractor

Barton Mallow



Contract: $4,677,835




Design Electric supported the comprehensive electrical renovation of the University of Virginia's McCormick Road Dorms. This extensive project, which aimed to rejuvenate the aging student housing facilities, involved a complete overhaul of the electrical systems across eight residential buildings, power lighting installations, and the integration of a generator. 


The primary objective for UVA was to create a modernized and engaging housing environment that would attract exceptional students and enhance their overall university experience. The original dorm buildings, dating back to the 1950s, had undergone previous renovations but required a complete update to meet contemporary standards and expectations for first-year housing.

Staying on Schedule

A key factor behind DEI’s ability to stay on schedule was their robust resource management. Despite industry-wide workforce challenges, DEI successfully provided the skilled labor required. The company’s proactive stance, rather than reactive problem-solving, helped mitigate emergencies and streamline project phases.

Leveraging Technology

Technological advancements were pivotal in boosting DEI's efficiency. This project was one of the first where DEI utilized electronic tablets, moving from printed drawings to digital versions. This change enabled real-time updates and minimized the risk of expensive rework due to outdated plans. The application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) was especially advantageous for managing the tight ceiling spaces in the dorm corridors, ensuring precise coordination between trades. Additionally, a custom-built software program was used to streamline material ordering and tracking. This efficiency ensured that materials were always available when needed, preventing delays, and enhancing overall project productivity.

Project Scope

The McCormick Road Dorms renovation was a significant undertaking.  DEI was responsible for the electrical work in six residential buildings, which contain eight university residences or houses. This project included a comprehensive electrical upgrade across 400,000 square feet of residential space, accommodating 1,400 students. Additionally, the scope extended to the Castle, a café within the dorm complex.  The renovation required extensive sitework, including deep duct bank installations around substantial existing utilities. This demanded meticulous planning and execution to navigate the complex underground environment, ensuring safety and stability.  Executed as a Design Assist venture, Design Electric was involved from the initial stages, offering valuable input on pricing and design iterations.

Project Outcomes

Design Electric Inc. significantly contributed to the renovation's success through proactive planning and strict adherence to schedules. This approach minimized the risk of delays and cost overruns, ensuring high owner satisfaction. The company’s field superintendents meticulously planned work weeks in advance, ensuring crews were well-prepared and equipped with necessary materials ahead of time. Such foresight and organization were crucial in maintaining productivity and efficiency, thereby avoiding the need for additional workforce due to inefficiencies.


Design Electric's team successfully completed approximately 96,000 work hours without a single safety incident.